the sound of your sleep

“Mattress: Your Coolest Night’s Sleep”


Visit us & try our Cooling Mattress

Snozz Wintermere 

Snozz Orthocare

Snozz Comfort Mattress

Snozz Perfect Mattress

Benefits of Tencel Fiber in Cooling Mattresses

Temperature Regulation: Tencel fiber actively helps regulate your body temperature throughout the night, preventing uncomfortable heat buildup.

Moisture Management: Tencel excels at moisture absorption, ensuring you stay dry and comfortable even if you tend to sweat during sleep.

Hypoallergenic: Tencel is naturally hypoallergenic, making it an excellent choice for those with allergies or sensitivities.

Silky Smooth: The soft and smooth texture of Tencel provides a luxurious touch that enhances overall comfort.

Durability: Tencel fiber is known for its durability, ensuring your mattress stays in top condition for years to come.

About Snozz

Quisque quis mauris tempus, faucibus lacus sit amet, volutpat felis. Suspendisse sodales sagittis venenatis. Morbi purus magna, volutpat sed nunc cursus, posuere porttitor est. Nullam molestie enim quis turpis commodo tincidunt. Suspendisse potenti. In vitae consectetur nibh.

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Why a Cooling Mattress?

A good night’s sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being, and temperature regulation plays a crucial role in achieving that. It’s no secret that being too hot or too cold can disrupt our sleep patterns, leaving us groggy and irritable the next day. That’s where cooling mattresses come into play.

Cooling mattresses are designed to dissipate body heat and create a comfortable sleep environment. They employ various technologies to achieve this, but one standout feature is the Tencel fiber top layer.

Choose the Right Cooling Mattress


Firmness Level

Select a mattress firmness that suits your sleeping preferences, whether you prefer a plush, medium, or firm feel.


Mattress Size and Thickness

Ensure you choose the right mattress size or its Thickness for your needs, whether it’s a twin, queen, king, or any other size.



Check if the mattress comes with a warranty to ensure your satisfaction and long-term peace of mind.

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39 Ubi Rd 1, #06-01 Singapore 408695


+65 9690 4700


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